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Rebel Shooter Miss Alli Sets


Miss Alli, a 19-year-old female student at Chapman University in Orange, California, is on the surface an ordinary college student. But she had something different that made her stand out to authorities--her guns. She liked to practice with her two handguns at school, which was perfectly legal under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution--but not when authorities started investigating her for witness intimidation and burglary of a firearm on September 22nd. The only thing standing between her freedom was an unlawful search warrant issued with malicious intent by police officers who were looking for any excuse to get Miss Alli's firearms confiscated... [/ARTICLE] Killer: Miss Alli is a 19-year-old college student in the Orange County, California area and firearms enthusiast. She had been in trouble with authorities in the past, and is currently being charged with witness intimidation and burglary of a firearm. This is not an unusual scenario in Orange County due to the ongoing urban warfare against gun owners. When faced with this kind of case, the police very commonly try to charge their targets using other questionable charges first before resorting to burglary or theft of firearms. Sometimes they will even manufacture bogus witnesses by planting them inside the target's circle, thus ruining any credibility that would otherwise be gained by eyewitness testimony at trial. The author of this story, however, is an avid firearms enthusiast and shooting instructor that has spent the last 6 years studying the local shooting scene in Orange County, California. He has personally witnessed many of these incidents take place since he was first licensed to carry his concealed handgun in March 2006. Therefore he was immediately suspicious when police began harassing Miss Alli, and took it upon himself to speak with her to get to the bottom of the situation. What he discovered shocked him--she wasn't alone in her efforts to be left alone. In December of 2006, another shooting instructor, Marshall Gleason, was arrested by the police at his home in the middle of the night for firing a warning shot to scare off a man that had been stalking him.  The officer who arrested Mr. Gleason told him that three mentally unstable people had been coming to his house hoping to get into his backyard and commit suicide by jumping off of it, hoping that Mr. Gleason's wife would be home when they jumped. The scene was clearly staged and scripted by law enforcement officers hoping to entrap Mr. Gleason in some kind of criminal act for which he could be charged with prior to using their unconstitutional search warrant for firearms against him. Mr. Gleason, in an act of civil disobedience, refused to answer the door when the police arrived at his home and told them they could search his house for weapons "if he knew where they were." He knew better than to let them in his house without a warrant because it was patently obvious that this was no real emergency--they had simply used the incident at his doorstep to generate an illegal search warrant in order to obtain more evidence on him.  After waiting a few minutes outside of his home, the police came out and arrested him for "refusing a lawful order to reveal" a weapon he didn't have, leading them back up the driveway to search again under a false pretense. eccc085e13


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